The Madison Concourse Hotel and Governor's Club sent out a survey in February 2021 to meeting planners.
Our goal was to gain insight into the meeting planning outlook in 2021.
There were 96 responses to our survey. Here are the results!
How were your 2020 meetings impacted by the pandemic?
4.17% (4) Held as planned
41.67% (40) Held virtually
31.25% (30) Cancelled
12.50% (12) Cancelled and re-booked at the same location for a future year
5.21% (5) Held partially or hybrid with lower attendance
5.21% (5) Other
When do you anticipate your next 25+ person meeting taking place?
4.17% (4) I'm already having them
1.04% (1) Sometime before April 1
12.50% (12) April - July
7.29% (7) August - September
33.33% (32) After September
41.67% (40) I don't know yet
What type of meeting will it be?
16.67% (16) Small local meeting
13.54% (13) Small local meeting connected to other meetings via video conference
11.46% (11) Large meeting distributed across multiple rooms within a venue
10.42% (10) Regular meeting
47.92% (46) I don't know
When do you anticipate being able to contract this next 25+ person meeting?
12.50% (12) I'm already contracting
4.17% (4) Sometime before April 1
4.17% (4) April - July
5.21% (5) July - September
25.00% (24) After September
48.96% (47) I don't know yet
Do you expect to book more or fewer in-person meetings in July - December 2021 compared to July - December 2019?
7.29% (7) More
52.08% (50) Fewer
20.83% (20) Equal amount
19.79% (19) I don't know
Do you expect to book more or fewer in-person meetings in 2022 compared to 2019?
17.71% (17) More
14.58% (14) Fewer
36.46% (35) Equal amount
31.25% (30) I don't know yet
Does your company or organization have travel restrictions in place?
29.79% (28) No
70.21% (66) Yes
Does your company or organization have meeting restrictions in place?
27.66% (26) No
72.34% (68) Yes
Have you held a hybrid event in the last 12 months?
85.42% (82) I haven't held a hybrid meeting
14.58% (14) I have held a hybrid meeting
Will you incorporate hybrid elements for your events going forward?
34.38% (33) Yes
9.38% (9) No
56.25% (54) I don't know yet
If you're adding hybrid components, do you plan to increase your AV budget per person?
9.47% (9) N/A, I'm not adding hybrid components
10.53% (10) No, I don't plan to increase my AV budget
2.11% (2) Yes, less than $20
4.21% (4) Yes, $20-$40
1.05% (1) Yes, $40-$60
3.16% (3) Yes, $60+
69.47% (66) I don't know yet